Everyones busy.
How in the world do people find time to exercise?
What does that mean?
MRPT Clients use the app to manage their time.
Some clients discuss special strategy with me, such as how to fit in workouts while traveling, and some are able to figure it out on their own. Either way, there's an app full of people who are getting it done by the end of the week one way or another.
Unpopular opinion on time and kids.

Your kids will model what you do. Let your kids see you get a run in while they're at soccer practice.
Do some squats and push ups while you're out there. If the daycare is good enough for your kid to be at while you're at work, it's good enough for them to spend a couple extra hours there while you workout.
On game days, show up with nothing but laser focus on that kid and his team and cheer them on with everything you've got, but for goodness sake, stop wasting your time watching every practice!
The same goes for your career.
If your career actually requires you to work every second of every waking hour (it probably doesn't), is this career worth having or should you actively seek something with more balance? Or are you just a work-a-holic who doesn't know how to set professional boundaries or step away and take a break for your own sanity and health?
(been there, done that).
Is your job more important than your health?
What it all comes down to.
Let's GO!