Those risks DO sound a lot like the risks of smoking. But there's new risks being researched and if this doesn't give you the motivation to get up and get moving daily, I don't know what will!
Studies have recently been published in regard to the effects sitting has on aging and on Dementia risk. The findings as reported in the Idea Fitness Journal, from a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, found that "people who sit for prolonged periods of time have shorter life spans and are considered physiologically older".
Another study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease found that "inactivity dramatically increased risk of dementia, even in individuals WITHOUT the genetic marker for Dementia". Scary! The take away is that being inactive will erase the effects of "healthy genes", leading the researchers to believe that physical exercise may prevent Dementia.
Today, more people are sitting for prolonged periods of time than ever before. Desk jobs seem to outnumber manual labor jobs. Computers have officially taken over our lives, as we are now carrying them around in our pockets and purses. We shop for clothes and now even food online. Everything is automated...EVERYTHING. But at what cost? Are you willing to risk your health, your life and happiness? I know I'm not! Let's ALL make a commitment to get up and move more. You're probably sitting down while reading this. Stand up right now. Do 10 jumping jacks, 10 push ups and 10 squats. Take a 1 minute walk around your building at work. Walk a few flights of stairs. Stretch and move deliberately. Do this every 20-30 minutes. Set a timer on your phone to beep every 20 minutes to remind you to do this. If you're on the phone with a customer, stand up while you're talking. Petition to get standing desks at your office. Invite co-workers to walk with you at lunch.
I could go on and on with the suggestions. 5 1/2 years ago, when I started this business, I never thought that part of my business, Health Coaching, would even be a thing! I never thought people would need help remembering basic things they can do for their health. But the world of computers, prolonged sitting and tons of distractions has made even the simplest of health choices, extremely difficult.
Neurological Disease runs in my family. I find myself sitting for too long between the hours of 1:00 and 4:00. I'm making the commitment to taking more breaks to walk my dog and to stand up periodically from my emails and marketing to get moving. Squeezing in more active time outside of working out will be the difference in our overall health, including our brain health.
Who's with me? Are you standing yet?
Seriously, Get up! Your life depends on it!